Klio Metal Spiral Stairs
Klio Round spiral stairs

  Klio Technical Document (72kb)


The robust Klio Spiral Staircase can be supplied from 116cm diameter to 226cm diameter, making it suitable for almost any situation. The classic colours and pebbled black handrail ensure that it is at home with the most stylish interiors. Matching balustrade is available.

Klio Zinc Spiral Staircase is solid and durable, being designed to resist the most unpleasant of weather. Klio Zinc is manufactured entirely from hot galvanised steel and extruded PVC. There is no matching balustrade for this model.

Please select the stair you require:-

Klio Round
(116-166cm dia)

Klio Round
(176-226cm dia)

Klio Square

Klio Zink